Multilevel analysis of social media strategies with employees' job performance system

Document Type : Research


1 Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD student


 Aim and introduction: This study aims to investigate the multilevel analysis of social media impact strategies on employees' job performance because organizations are multilevel systems. Today, with the development of information and communication technology, social media has been used as one of the most important tools by organizations. Social media is widely used within organizations and they are used as a tool to communicate between employees, and given that the use of social media facilitates the transfer of information resources within the organization and also creates close and dynamic relationships in among employees, the organization's social media is very important. The sharing of rich information by social media within the organization has raised the level of measures related to knowledge sharing within organizations, and on the other hand, these media have tremendous effects on socialization and entertainment of employees. In fact, technological innovations such as social media strengthen organizations. And have enhanced their capabilities in a variety of areas, from creating business models and marketing techniques to improving demand forecasting, the possibility of new management and training applications, and improving creativity, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and communication. But despite all this, so far few studies have been done on the effects of social media on employees' job performance and how this impact has been done. On the other hand, human resources of any organization is considered as the most important element in achieving sustainable and effective competitive advantage for the organization. In such a situation, the human capital within any organization, which indicates the amount of knowledge, technical skills, creativity and experience of any organization, is very important. In this regard, social media as one of the tools that promotes the human capital of the organization they count. In fact, people who make the most of social media gain information and knowledge that they can use to solve problems that colleagues and others face, thereby improving their job performance and organizational performance.
Methodology: The present study is descriptive-correlation in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection method, which is based on structural equation modeling. Gathering the information needed to conduct this research includes two sections: library and field. The study population consisted of 300 employees of Qazvin Agricultural Jihad Organization. The number of samples was determined based on Morgan table 169 people, in which 250 questionnaires were distributed and finally 194 questionnaires were collected. Also, for multi-level analysis of the second level questionnaire (organization), 20 managers of this organization were measured. Which is a whole number and the whole community of managers were examined
Findings: The total reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by calculating the number 0.88 and its validity was confirmed by content validity, convergent and divergent validity methods. The significance coefficient of the path among all research variables is more than 1.96, which indicates the significant effect of social media on human capital and social capital, as well as the significant effect of human and social capital on performance at the 95% confidence level and confirms this. It is hypothesized that social media has a significant effect on social capital, human capital and ultimately on performance. The standardized coefficient of path (β) between the social media and human capital variables (0.645) indicates that it explains 65% of the changes in human capital. While this coefficient is between human capital and performance (0.560), the standardized coefficient is the path between the social media variable and social capital (0.633), which means that social media determines 63% of the changes in the performance variable. And the standardized coefficient is the path between the social capital variable and job performance (0.442), which means that social capital determines 44% of the changes in the performance variable.
Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that social media has a positive and significant effect on human capital at the organizational level and finally on job performance at the individual level. Analysis and analysis of the impact of human capital (at the organizational level) on the individual level variable, ie job performance of employees Regression is impossible and therefore multi-level analysis was used to identify this effect at two different levels. The data are also analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Analysis (HLM) software. The output of the software confirms the multilevel relationships of the research variables. Also, the effect of mediating variables was measured using the Sobel test and its intensity was measured by the Waf test. The results show that human capital has a significant effect on job performance, also confirmed the results of the effect of mediating variables.


Main Subjects

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