Explanation and Designing a Model of Social Responsibility

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Professor, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Professor, Tarbiat Modares University

4 Ph.D. Student, Shahid Beheshti University


Social responsibility is regarded as a part of work ethic in the literature associated with management and enterprise which is also called transorganizational morality. Many scholars believe that social responsibility of the enterprise affects its success and failure to some extent. Attention toward requirements of society, moral behavior and environmental issues are considered seriously by customers today. On the other hand, organizational changes and developments in current competitive atmosphere have caused enterprises to alter procedures and undertake modifications for their own survival. For this purpose, the enterprises must use appropriate tool which enables them to succeed that is to say “Organizational Development” (OD). This paper evaluates the influence of OD on social responsibility by studying the relation between dimensions of development and organizational change. Statistical population of this research was comprised of all managers in Iranian economic ministries since they are more engaged with
the “Privatization Act”. Results of this research demonstrated that among different variables of the conceptual model of research (OD) namely organizational structure, human resources, organizational culture, rules and regulations, organizational processes, the two factors of human resources and organizational culture are scored higher in terms of affecting the social responsibility of enterprise.


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