Effect of environmental factors in commercialization ideas and researches results

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph. D of Nuclear sciences

3 Ececutive MBA

4 Master of Production Engineering


Today, research and commercial building and income from it can be necessary financial resources for the continuation of life provide these organizations. in this research is to try it as an effective organizational factors in making research results, especially commercial factors such as limited organizational, financial and inefficient bureaucracy, organizational strategies, interaction with research teams, lack of product production, evaluation and research achievements of reform and optimization products is evaluated as the assumptions study. Descriptive nature of this study, survey, through the Friedman test, the mean and variance to evaluate research deals with the assumptions. So that research results showed that trade between organizational factors and issues making the results of nuclear research centers are significantly based on variance analysis of secondary interaction hypothesis Friedman research team and the lack of commercial strategy in commercialization the core institutions To limit the financial and administrative theory, Production laboratory and industrial products and evaluation of research achievements in the order of the effect are on commercialization results of research in nuclear centers.


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