Explaining the desire for a cooperative economy in a cooperative settlement

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran

2 MA Student, Science and Arts University, Yazd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Imam Javad Higher Education Institute, Yazd, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


IntroductionParticipatory economics is an economic idea based on the view that most people tend to borrow consumer goods instead of buying and owning them. This will lead to increase employment, economic efficiency, access to valuable assets, and increase social relationships. Aims’paper is to promote participatory housing in the territory as a solution to strengthen intergenerational solidarity, and more broadly to participate in the construction of a more resilient territory. Also, another purpose of article is to develop and increase people's awareness about participatory housing.
   Methodology: The present research is based on the purpose of Applied Research, and according to the nature of subject and objectives of the research and executive facilities, we have used the field and survey method. We also used the questionnaire method of data collection, because the questionnaire is the main instrument for collecting data in survey research. The designed questionnaire has 31 questions and to answer the questions, number 1 is completely agreeable and number 5 is completely disagreeable. The questions about each variable to measure that variable for the desire to participatory housing.The technique of sampling and determination of sample size have crucial role in survey-based research problems in applied statistics. Similarly, if the sample size is inappropriate it may lead to erroneous conclusions. One of the equations for calculating the required Sample sizes based on the size of the Cohen d effect provided by Mead. In this article, the sample saize considered to 65 people by Mead equation. Accordingly, the statistical sample of the study consisted of 65 residents of Yazd by random sampling method, and aiming to measure the willingness of individuals to participatory economics in the use of participatory housing. The main variable of the research includes the tendency to participatory housing, and Variables affecting it include economic benefits, sustainability, entertainment (pleasure), social relationships, Internet network effects, and attitudes. Finally, the effect of variables was examined using path analysis. According to information that we have received from the review of experimental research and the researcher’s observations, the research hypotheses are:
-Economic benefits have a significant effect on the attitudes of consumers and suppliers in the use of participatory housing.
- Sustainability has a significant effect on the attitudes of consumers and suppliers in the use of participatory housing.
- Entertainment (pleasure and happiness) has a significant effect on the attitudes of consumers and suppliers in the use of participatory housing.
- Social relationships have a significant effect on the attitudes of consumers and suppliers in the use of participatory housing.
- Internet networks have a significant effect on the attitude of consumers and suppliers in the use of shared housing.
- Consumer's and supplier's attitudes have a significant effect on their willingness to use participatory housing.
- Gender has a significant effect on the attitudes of consumers and suppliers to use participatory housing.
- Gender has a significant effect on the willingness of consumers and suppliers to use participatory housing.
   Results and Discussion: This studies aimed at investigating the effective factors on the tendency to participatory economics in Participatory housing. In this regard, the present study examined the relationships between attitude-related subscales including economic benefits, environmental sustainability, entertainment (pleasure and happiness), social relationships and the development of Internet networks towards the tendency to use participatory housing. In addition, the relationship between the attitude towards participatory settlements and the tendency to participatory housing was considered.
The Outcome of path analysis showed that the variable of happiness had the greatest effect on behavioral tendency and then the variables of Internet networks, attitude, social relationships and gender were recognized as effective variables. Among all the influential variables, only the social relations variable had the opposite effect.
Conclusion: Variables had related to attitudes toward participatory housing, but the entertainment (pleasure and happiness) of use participatory housing and the development of Internet networks have a positive effect on attitudes. The charm and curiosity gained from this kind of lifestyle and the  relationship network created through the development of Internet networks, lead to more opportunities for individuals. In many ways, relationship networking, leading to creation and development of business opportunities. Because, that creates more options of accommodation and diversity in choosing the place and facing different prices and a better attitude towards the participatory housing. Also, the type of attitude has affects on desire of individuals to use participatory housing. Then, the effect of gender was examined on the variables of attitude and willingness of people to use of participatory housing. Findings showed that the gender of respondents had no effect on their attitude. And only, the gender had affect on stability. As a result, people have a better attitude and a greater desire for participatory housing due to lack of social relationships and access to more pleasant times.


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