Designing an advertising strategy to recreate the mental image of the tourists based on the theory of planned behavior

Document Type : Research


1 Business administration management and accounting faculty shahid beheshti university, Tehran, Iran

2 Business administration management and accounting faculty, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Business administration management faculty, Shahid Beheshti University

4 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti Gniversity, Tehran, Iran.


 Introduction: Tourism day by day is getting developed rapidly and has become one of the most effective industries in many countries. This study comes in view of the great significance of the influence of tourism field on other economic sectors, and in accordance with the increasing application of the concept of destination image in the tourism sector, where the mental image of a travel destination has an important role in convincing people to visit that place. So, Due to the increasing importance of tourism in today's world, the present study tries to design an appropriate and effective advertising strategy to reconstruct the mental image of tourists about crisis-prone tourism destinations. To achieve this goal, the theory of planned behavior, which is based on three elements (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control), has been used in this research.
Methodology: The current research is a descriptive-exploratory-analytical research. This research is based on a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) in which grounded theory is used in the qualitative part and structural equation modeling and factor analysis are used in the quantitative part of the research. Data were collected in the first part of the research through interviews with Syrian and Iranian tourism industry experts, and then in the second part of the questionnaire, 425 participants who were divided between 246 women and 179 men, all of whom were educated, were collected. The sampling method in both sections was purposive sampling. To analyze data collected in the qualitative part, Atlas Ti software was used, and in the quantitative part of the research, structural equation modeling and factor analysis have been used. It should be noted that before modeling the structural equations, the sample adequacy test was examined through KMO indices and Bartlett's test, and the research variables were analyzed by LISREL 8.80 software. The main question of the research was:  How should the advertising strategy be designed to reconstruct the mental image of tourists?, And sub-questions which was designed to simplify finding the answer to the main research question, are: 1-Who is the target audience that will be influenced by the advertising strategy considered by the research?, 2-What should be the content of advertisements in the purpose of reconstruct the mental image of tourists in times of crisis in countries?, 3-What is the desired media for reconstructing the mental image of tourists?, 4-How often should the advertisement needed to reconstruct the mental image be repeated?
Results and Discussion: Based on interviews with experts, the dimensions of the required advertising strategy were determined, and then the elements of each of these dimensions were named. After that, in the quantitative analysis section, the questionnaire was built based on the results of the analysis of previous interviews, and it was conducted on a large group of participants, up to 425 participants. Accordingly, the following was found: according to the situation in Syria, the target audience should be neighboring countries or friendly countries. Agencies operating in foreign countries may also be considered as target audiences. The content of the ads is better to be the details of other people's travels, focusing on the desert, historical and ancient sites, places that were exposed to war, using a combination of types of ads that include video, photos, and posters. Media used include Facebook, websites, LinkedIn, TV shows, word of mouth, international tourism exhibitions, celebrities, and public figures. The role of embassies, tourism ministries of countries, and tourism companies also should be taken into consideration. Finally, about the number of times the ad is repeated, it is specified that the ad should be more than 4 times a day, and the ad should be used for a long time (at least 6 months). Regarding the factors related to the dimensions of the planned behavior theory, it has been identified that there must be several points in order for these dimensions to be effective and active. Elements related to attitude are: the honesty of the advertisement and the accuracy of its information, the effect of social media on people's feelings, perceptions and motivations , and variety and attractiveness of advertising ideas. About mental norms: Feeling comfortable and safe from getting feedback and face-to-face information about travel and destination tourism services from people who have already tried the travel experience, gather information about the beauty of the destination and its scenic and historical areas, the impact of the celebrities' lives, experiences and the information they provide to people on increasing people's desire to travel. Recently, regarding perceived behavioral control: showing the return of security to the tourist destination in advertising, demonstrate the efforts of governments to protect their citizens and restore security to their country in ads, use the domestic tourist trips' records and videos , where tourists are happily and safely travels between beautiful areas and destinations that have already been exposed to war.
 Conclusion: In the end, based on the results of the qualitative and quantitative data analysis, an appropriate advertising strategy was designed to reconstruct the mental image of tourists for the crisis-hit countries, especially consistent with the special conditions experienced by Syria. Where this strategy is built on four dimensions which are the target audience, the content, the media and the number of ad repetitions to obtain the best results desired from it.
Methodology: The current research is a descriptive-exploratory-analytical research. This research is based on a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) in which grounded theory is used in the qualitative part and structural equation modeling and factor analysis are used in the quantitative part of the research. Data were collected in the first part of the research through interviews with Syrian and Iranian tourism industry experts, and then in the second part of the questionnaire, 425 participants who were divided between 246 women and 179 men, all of whom were educated, were collected. The sampling method in both sections was purposive sampling. To analyze data collected in the qualitative part, Atlas Ti software was used, and in the quantitative part of the research, structural equation modeling and factor analysis have been used. It should be noted that before modeling the structural equations, the sample adequacy test was examined through KMO indices and Bartlett's test, and the research variables were analyzed by LISREL 8.80 software. The main question of the research was: How should the advertising strategy be designed to reconstruct the mental image of tourists?, And sub-questions which was designed to simplify finding the answer to the main research question, are: 1-Who is the target audience that will be influenced by the advertising strategy considered by the research?, 2-What should be the content of advertisements in the purpose of reconstruct the mental image of tourists in times of crisis in countries?, 3-What is the desired media for reconstructing the mental image of tourists?, 4-How often should the advertisement needed to reconstruct the mental image be repeated?
Findings: Based on interviews with experts, the dimensions of the required advertising strategy were determined, and then the elements of each of these dimensions were named. After that, in the quantitative analysis section, the questionnaire was built based on the results of the analysis of previous interviews, and it was conducted on a large group of participants, up to 425 participants. Accordingly, the following was found: according to the situation in Syria, the target audience should be neighboring countries or friendly countries. Agencies operating in foreign countries may also be considered as target audiences. The content of the ads is better to be the details of other people's travels, focusing on the desert, historical and ancient sites, places that were exposed to war, using a combination of types of ads that include video, photos, and posters. Media used include Facebook, websites, LinkedIn, TV shows, word of mouth, international tourism exhibitions, celebrities, and public figures. The role of embassies, tourism ministries of countries, and tourism companies also should be taken into consideration. Finally, about the number of times the ad is repeated, it is specified that the ad should be more than 4 times a day, and the ad should be used for a long time (at least 6 months). Regarding the factors related to the dimensions of the planned behavior theory, it has been identified that there must be several points in order for these dimensions to be effective and active. Elements related to attitude are: the honesty of the advertisement and the accuracy of its information, the effect of social media on people's feelings, perceptions and motivations , and variety and attractiveness of advertising ideas. About mental norms: Feeling comfortable and safe from getting feedback and face-to-face information about travel and destination tourism services from people who have already tried the travel experience, gather information about the beauty of the destination and its scenic and historical areas, the impact of the celebrities' lives, experiences and the information they provide to people on increasing people's desire to travel. Recently, regarding perceived behavioral control: showing the return of security to the tourist destination in advertising, demonstrate the efforts of governments to protect their citizens and restore security to their country in ads, use the domestic tourist trips' records and videos , where tourists are happily and safely travels between beautiful areas and destinations that have already been exposed to war.
Discussion and Conclusion: In the end, based on the results of the qualitative and quantitative data analysis, an appropriate advertising strategy was designed to reconstruct the mental image of tourists for the crisis-hit countries, especially consistent with the special conditions experienced by Syria. Where this strategy is built on four dimensions which are the target audience, the content, the media and the number of ad repetitions to obtain the best results desired from it.


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