Processing model for the implementation of a well-organized organization

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Graduate Studies Center, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Student in Public Administration (Organizational Behavior), Graduate Studies Center, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Management Faculty, Payame-Noor University, Tehran, Iran


 Introduction: Implementing a grooming system can manage time, quality and capital by creating a regular, disciplined and clean work environment. Organizations have to consider and implement various factors in order to adopt a beautiful face. Given that organizational neatness has many benefits, public and private organizations have tried to use it, but insufficient attention to the philosophy of neatness and its compliance with organizational elements has caused neatness not to flow as it should in organizations and despite spend money and time, they did not succeed in this field. Most of the researches have introduced and explained Five S as a technique and tool and various organizations including the statistical community mentioned in this research have tried to implement it and benefit from it. However, implementing neatness in the organization requires identifying the components affecting this process and recognizing the relationships between them, and mere attention to the Five S technique cannot make organizations successful in achieving their goals in this area.
Methodology: In this research, we tried to close this research gap and introduce the components of the process implementation model of the organization with emphasis on the pillars of the organization and create a logical relationship between them to introduce this model of the organization as an emerging figure. A review of research shows that organizational tidiness is imitated only in the form of the Five S technique and organizations seek to implement and use the results without considering the organizational components that affect it. In this research, the researcher seeks to examine all aspects of the organization and design and explain a new model of the organization called the process model for the implementation of a well-organized organization.
The research method is a sequential exploratory mix (qualitative and quantitative). The components of this model of the organization were identified using qualitative tools including library studies, interviews and observations and were Classified by structural-interpretive modeling method and The research model was drawn. In the quantitative part, using the partial least squares technique and PLS software, the measurement model with convergent validity, composite reliability and discriminant validity and the structural model with coefficient of determination, Stone-Geisser and goodness of fit were examined. Based on the calculated values, the value (AVE) of all variables is greater than 0.5, so there is convergent validity. The value (CR) is also greater than (AVE) and in all cases is greater than the threshold of 0.7. Cronbach's alpha of all variables is greater than 0.7, so reliability is confirmed. Also, the square root (AVE) of each structure is greater than its correlation with other structures of the model, which indicates the acceptable discriminate validity for the model in the measurement section. The coefficient of determination of the endogenous structures obtained for the research model is reported to be positive and often above 19%, so the fit of the model is desirable. The Stone-Geisser criterion index determines the predictive power of the model. This index is a criterion for evaluating cross-validity in the partial least squares model. The blindfolding technique is used to calculate the value of Stone-Geisser criterion in Smart PLS software. Using this technique, two validity indices are obtained: redundancy cross validity and shared cross validity. For redundancy and common crossover validity, positive numbers indicate the appropriate quality of the model. These values ​​are obtained for all positive research constructs. Also, the values ​​of the variables are generally obtained in the range of 0.15 to 0.35 or greater than 0.35. Therefore, the predictive power of research structures is moderately to strongly estimate. Finally, the GOF index is 0.308, so the model has a good fit.
Results and Discussion: The results of this study show that organizations can through reinforcement the organizational infrastructure, support top management, improving the organizational structure, environmental management system, proper segregation and arrangement in the environment, the use of information and communication technology, standardization and cleanliness of the environment, organizational change management, continuous employee participation, human resource empowerment, and implementation of 5S system, implement the well-organized organization model and improve employee and organizational performance and provide customer satisfaction.
 Conclusion: It suggested that in order to achieve tangible and sustainable results in the implementation of organizational tidiness, the necessary changes should be made in the organization. These changes in the  structural dimension include hierarchical control, communication of procedures, creation of working teams, delegation of authority, and explicit management support; In the goals dimension, including neatness and its components in the strategic priorities of the organization and having a neatness statement; In the staff dimension, including continuous participation, increasing the understanding of beauty, accountability and loyalty, consistency and responsibility, continuous training at all levels and the establishment of a culture of beauty; In the technology dimension, it includes continuous evaluations, application of information and communication technology and equipment defect management, and finally in the environment dimension, it includes standardization and establishment of environmental cleanliness, definition of safety standards, observance of environmental standards and customer satisfaction.


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